Loki was Used to Support MATV CROWS-J Training
Emulates Javelin Missile Video and Functionality
No Short Round Required
Short Round Requires External Gas and Power or, Short Round Requires BCU which is Expensive in support of Training
Tracker Gate Resize and Lock Display Capability
Simulates Mis-Fire, Hang Fire, and Normal Fire (User Selectable)
Missile Not Present Goes High to Emulate Missile Firing
CROWS Transitions back to Day Sight after Emulated Firing

Emulates Javelin Missile Signals in Support of Javelin Launcher Checkout/Verification, Gunner Training and Test
Output Live Simulated Javelin Missile Video and Status Data (VSD) using Longwave Uncooled Camera
Receive Missile Commands from the Launcher and Respond Appropriately (MCB Bus)
Receives Squib Commands and Perform Verification Against Missile Requirements
Provide the Same Form Factor and Mechanical Interface as a Javelin Missile (obtain tubes as GFE)
Emulates BCU Functionality